Learn English – Reply to “How are you?” : Are “I’m thirsty” “I’m hungry” “I’m angry” etc. okay


When someone asks you "How are you?" the expected or usual reply (I assume) would be "I'm fine" "Not bad" "As usual" etc. Instead, is it okay to give a more specific and honest reply of your current condition i.e. "I'm angry" "I'm hungry" "I'm thirsty",etc. ?

Best Answer

Yes, that's fine to do in informal situations, such as speaking to a friend, but it sounds a little bit weird and informal in formal situations. The normal

How are you?

I'm fine(, thank you). / Not bad.

is more of a conversation starter than an actual question, for example it is used in formal settings (e.g. interviews, meetings) to start a more important and serious topic:

Interviewer: Welcome. How are you today?

Interviewee: I'm fine, thank you.

Interviewer: So, {insert name here}, what are your thoughts on {topic X}?

Saying something that isn't the normal reply in such a place derails the purpose of the "How are you" in that sort of situation, and seems informal and "out-of-touch" if you do say it.