Learn English – Resonate – a word you could use with people


I realised I have been using word "resonate" a lot lately but mostly in regards to people. For example:

I noticed I resonate with the type of people who _____ the most.

For some reason I decided to check The Free Dictionary for the definition that reads:

  1. To exhibit or produce resonance or resonant effects.
  2. To evoke a feeling of shared emotion or belief: "Bethune projected a strong presence of achievement and pride that resonated among African Americans" (Audrey Thomas McCluskey).
  3. To correspond closely or harmoniously: "Symbolism matters, especially if the symbols resonate with the larger message" (William Greider).

As you can see there is no mention of people and when I asked my friends (US), they said they would never use it in regards to a person.

Is there anything that I can replace it with? I don't want to get into a bad habit if the usage is incorrect.

I'm looking for something on the same "sophistication level" unlike
to get on well or connect well with.

Best Answer

You can absolutely use resonate to describe a social interaction--tell the naysayers "poppycock!"

The physical (original?) definition of resonate, describes vibration of material due to the vibration of another material. Physical resonance is all around us:

  • The body of an acoustic guitar resonates with the strings.
  • A tabletop resonates with a mobile phone ringing on it.
  • A window resonates with loud music played near it.

Considering that it's another term for sympathetic vibration, "resonate" is an excellent metaphor for being in agreement with someone.