Learn English – “Right then left hand” or “hands?”


Which of the following is correct?

washed his right then left hand

washed his right then left hands

Best Answer

There are many ways of expressing the thought I think your are thinking! Here are just a few:

  • I washed his right hand and then his left hand.

  • I washed his right hand first and then his left hand.

  • I washed his hands, first the left and then the right.

  • I washed his right hand first, and his left hand second.

  • I washed both his hands, first the left and then the right.

  • I washed his hands, left then right.

I could go on, but I won't. My point in giving you so many options is simply to demonstrate the multiplicity of ways in which you can say--in English, anyway--basically the same thing.

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