Learn English – Sarcastic Idioms for being slow to notice something


The scenario:
The power was out but it came back up. However, a friend or family member noticed that late and said:

Oh, the power is back up!

You noticed that long before they did (sometimes because it is obvious). You want to comment on/about their late notice sarcastically with something like:

What? You've been sleeping?

Good morning! (as if they have just woken up)

What idioms that you natives use in such a situation? Of course the sarcastic ones!

Edit:Could this idiom also be used?

Wonders never cease! and Will wonders never Cease!
Prov. What an amazing thing has happened! (Said when something very surprising happens. Somewhat ironic; can imply that the surprising thing should have happened before, but did not.)
Fred: Hi, honey. I cleaned the kitchen for you. Ellen: Wonders never cease! Jill: Did you hear? The company is allowing us to take a holiday tomorrow. Jane: Wonders never cease! Not only was my plane on time, the airline also delivered my luggage safely. Will wonders never cease?

Best Answer

I can't think of any expressions that are specific to the case of noticing a recent change, but there are a number of common expressions that can be used whenever someone says something that should have already been obvious. Here are a few:

  • "Thank you, Captain Obvious." (Captain Obvious, naturally, commands the Starship Duh.)
  • "No duh."
  • "No shit." (Or "No shit, Sherlock.")
  • "You don't say!"
  • "What else is new?"

Note that some of these are more sarcastic than others. In particular, as CarSmack and J.R. point out below, "No shit" and "No shit, Sherlock" are harsher, and I wouldn't use them with casual acquaintances. J.R.'s alternative suggestion, "No kidding", is less harsh.

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