Learn English – say “They study it in a shallow level”


When referring to studding can I use the term "shallow level" in a meaning of study subject not deeply?

For example if I see a video that teaches biology but very basic, can I refer to it as "a shallow level"?

Actually, I didn't see the use of "a shallow level", but it's a direct translation from my language. Of course, I tried to do some googling but I didn't find something that answer me about that.

Best Answer

For teaching videos or courses, I usually hear them called "introductory" level courses. Overview of (topic), introduction to (topic), (topic) basics, or (topic) fundamentals are course titles that are typical. I don't think it's incorrect to say "the video teaches biology at a shallow level", but it's not phrasing I would chose.

To me, fundamentals implies that the course teaches some basic information that might be necessary to study the topic in more depth. An overview or introduction is more general information about a topic and may be intended to give information to folks who are interested in the topic, but may not go on to study it in more depth.

Some other related phrases:
skim the surface - to do something very superficially.
gloss over - to treat unpleasant or complex facts rapidly or cursorily, or to omit them altogether. For example, "The video was interesting, but glossed over how the DNA was integrated into the cells."

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