Grammar Usage – How to Say ‘Years Passed’ in Specific Contexts


I am sure I’ve seen this usage somewhere, i want to use this and it goes like this:

“As I reflect on the years passed, …”

I don’t feel comfortable with it. But I’ve seen similar usage in “ a reflection on years passed”

Can someone help tell if my usage is correct ?


Best Answer

It's not correct English.

Confusion often arises between the verb passed

She passed the library each morning on the way to work

and the word past which, problematically, while never a verb, can act as a noun:

The reason for his actions lay in his past

or a preposition:

The first horse past the post

or an adverb:

Several dogs ran past

or an adjective:

The past week has been a busy one.

In your case your are talking about the years past where past is an adjective. That's to say, earlier years or years that have gone by.

To use your construction, you would have to change it to read:

As I reflect on the years that have passed since.....

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