Sentence Meaning – Meaning of ‘She Got an A for Effort.’


She got an A for effort.

  1. She tried to get an A (made an effort to get an A, studied hard and really got it)
  2. We don't know whether she got good grades or not, but the teacher gave her A because she showed an effort.

Which one is close to the example sentence?

Best Answer

"[Getting] an A for effort" refers to getting a high grade in the category of effort. Some schools/classes would rate students level of participation and work ethic, giving them a separate 'grade' representing how hard they tried. This is not the same as "getting an A through effort" as Alexander suggests. "an A for effort" even goes so far as to imply that the student didn't get an A, for example "the student tried hard and worked late all year. They only got a C, but they got an A for effort"

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