Learn English – She was so angry (that) she couldn’t speak & There was such a lot of rain (that) we couldn’t go out


In the sentence "She was so angry that she couldn't speak", can I omit "that"?
Does "She was so angry she couldn't speak" sound natural to you?

In addition, in this sentence "There was such a lot of rain that we couldn’t go out", can I omit "that"?
Does "There was such a lot of rain we couldn’t go out" sound natural to you?

Best Answer

"such a lot of rain" sounds awkward. I recommend

It was raining so hard that we couldn't go out.

  • that is optional. You could replace it with a comma.
  • so much rain would be a slight improvement over such a lot of rain. However, was raining so hard better expresses the continuing weather condition at the time that the decision to stay inside was made.