Learn English – short form of “greater than or equal to” (≥)


From this question I know that when mixing "greater than" (>) and "equal to" (=) the correct expression to say is "greater than or equal to"(>=). However, I remember that my math teacher, when writing on the blackboard, always spoke out loudly (in German) what he was writing, e.g. when writing 5x >= 2y, he would have said "fünf x größer gleich 2 y", which is, afaik, common when speaking out this operator in German.

I can't imagine that when speaking about this mathemathical formula in English you would say "five x greater than or equal to 2 y". Is it commonly accepted to say something like "five x greater equal two y"?

Best Answer

In English, one reads “5​x ≥ 2​y” aloud as:

Five ex is greater than or equal to two wye.

The is and or make the sentence literally true by the conventions of ordinary English.

It is quite a mouthful to say. Occasionally I hear people say “greater than equal” to hurry, omitting “is”, “or”, and “to”, but holding “than” a little long to give equal time to each of the three words. More commonly, though, people just get very good at saying “is greater than or equal to” very quickly.

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