Learn English – Short phrase for “complete tasks quicker”


I want to express the following idea in my resume:

Renowned for constantly looking for opportunity to make tasks complete quicker through automation and refactoring.

As it currently stands, this phrase seems too verbose and doesn't sound very effective. Is there a short phrase I could use to express "complete tasks quicker"?

This might even help me get rid of the "looking for opportunity" part by writing the sentence as:

Renowned for constantly X ing through automation and refactoring.

(where X is the word to replace "complete tasks quicker")

Is it possible to rephrase the statement as above?

Best Answer

Found the answer myself after asking a few people offline for ideas and some internet searching. The word is expedite. I rephrased the statement to:

Adept at expediting project tasks through automation and refactoring.

Some other alternatives are: accelerate, hasten.

Edit: I had a misunderstanding about the meaning of the word renowned. It is undeniably incorrect to use it in this context, so I replaced it with adept as suggested by Todd in the question comment.