Learn English – Should have PP or Must have PP


In Cambridge Advanced Grammar in Use we read:

  1. We use should have + past participle to talk about an expectation that something happened , has happened or will happen.[page 40, Unit 20]

  2. We use Must have + PP to draw a conclusion about something happened in the past [page 36, Unit 18].

I dont understand the difference between the "drawing a conclusion", and "predicting/forecasting/guessing an occurrence"

Consider :

John isn't home yet. He ——————-have got in trouble.

Is there any difference if we use Should instead of Must and vice versa ?

Best Answer

There is a huge difference between the two sentences:

He must have got into trouble.

means that something has occurred which may or may not have been John's fault

He should have been home by now.

means he is not at home, but enough time has passed that it would have been achievable

He should have got into trouble.

means he did not get into trouble but he would have been better off if he did (it is an awkward sentence in that respect)

Drawing a conclusion involves determining an outcome using facts. It is a form of prediction and forecasting. Guessing usually means trying to determine an outcome without any facts ie a wild guess