Learn English – Should “person” be replaced with “a person” or “the person” in this sentence


In our European company we’re just working on our new identity cards and we need your help :-). There must be an important text on the ID cards, which says to everyone, that an employee (ID owner) is really from our company… The idea of the board of directors is:

“This is to certify that person, whose signature and photograph appear hereon, is an employee of COMPANY-NAME.”

(Person’s name, photo and signature is placed above this text.)

Please – is that correct?

I’m in a doubt – may I use “person”, “a person” or “the person”?

Please help. We don’t want to look like a fools after creating hundreds of cards :-).

Best Answer

"... the person ..."

If it said "a person" it would imply that there may be more than one person with the same signature and photograph and that one of them is an employee. This is probably the exact opposite of what you what to say on an ID card.

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