Learn English – Should you use singular or plural verb in this type of sentence


Rule 7 at this grammar website says:

Rule 7

Sometimes the subject is separated from the verb by words such as along with, as well as, besides, or not. Ignore these expressions when determining whether to use a singular or plural verb.

The politician, along with the newsmen, is expected shortly.
Excitement, as well as nervousness, is the cause of her shaking.

So, it looks like we usually ignore these expressions: as well as, along with, besides, etc., when determining whether to use a singular or plural verb. But if the sentence is this:

Suresh along with his friends was arrested by the police as
they were involved in the sting operation.

It sounds a little bit eccentric to me. Should were be the verb followed by friends [plural]? Please clear my doubt.

Best Answer

I've thought about this for a bit and it seems to me that the sentence isn't right as it stands. I think you have three choices:

(a1) Suresh, along with his friends, was arrested by the police **because he was involved in the sting operation. OR (a2) Suresh, as well as his friends, was arrested by the police **because he was involved in the sting operation.
(b) Suresh and his friends were arrested by the police because they were involved in the sting operation.

NOTE: Maybe we can say that "along with his friends" is synonymous with "as well as his friends", in which case, setting it off with commas requires a singular verb for the the first sentence.

You should also change that ambiguous as to an unambiguous because.

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