Learn English – Since then with past simple


I have this sentence where I am not sure about two things:

  1. "after launch" – is that correct when I talk about a device?

  2. "since then" – is that correct with the past simple tense?

I'm sorry for the lack of the context. The values are provided to an upstream system, hence I used "provided". It is a device for measuring of the water pH – so I thought a device can be "launched". When you start it, it provides the upstream system with the first (or initial) value in 100-200 ms. After that, it continuously provides updates.

The first value is obtained 100-200 ms after launch and is continuously provided in the defined interval since then.

Best Answer

Unless this is a technical term I don't know about, launch is used for the moment when a product goes on the market and is effectively launched by the manufacturer. Otherwise spacecraft are launched into space. Hard to tell without knowing what kind of device.

since then in that sentence is awkward as hell, if not downright incorrect.

I would use thereafter or from thereon in or from that point forward (in order of personal preference).

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