Learn English – Single word for- Ear, nose and throat


Our nose, ears and throat are combined together. And if any one gets infected the other two parts also get affected. And if we need to describe it we say it like

My ears, nose and throat are infected.

My question is that- is there one word for ear, nose and throat together which can be used in such type of sentences.

If I am not wrong there is a biological word "pharynx" which describes the part through which these three organs are connected. But in normal conversation pharynx may not be used to describe such situation as it cannot be understood by everyone.

Kindly note that I am not looking for a medical terminology (i.e., otorhinolaryngology, ENT)

Best Answer

In general conversation, head gets used to describe those area(s)

My nose is all blocked up, my throat is sore, and my ears are aching I think I may have a head cold.