Learn English – singular or plural: “notice no effect” vs “feel no effects”


The following is an excerpt from the book titled "On the move" written by Oliver Sacks.

I was surprised to find, at one point, that I had drunk, in tiny increments, almost half the bottle. I noticed no effect, so I continued reading and sipping from the bottle, increasingly upended now it was half-empty. …… The bottle was now empty. I still felt no effects; the stuff must be much weaker than they make out, I thought, even though it said "100 proof" on the label.

The singular or plural problem always has me confused. In the above, could anyone please explain to me why the author wrote "I noticed no effect"(not "no effects") and "I still felt no effects"(not "no effect")? Or are they just interchangeable?

Best Answer

As @xxxxxx correctly points out in their answer, a plural noun can follow no, which is termed a determiner.

For example:

  1. There is no bottle in the cabinet. (s)
  2. There are no bottles in the cabinet. (pl)

In the first sentence, the speaker states that the cabinet does not contain a bottle. This bottle could contain any substance, for instance it might be medicine, alcohol or even oil.

In the second sentence, the speaker says the cabinet doesn't contain any bottles.

If we replace no with a and some respectively, we'd get

  1. There is a bottle in the cabinet
  2. There are some bottles in the cabinet.

Effect is a countable noun

Ingesting medicine prescribed by a doctor should produce at least one positive effect in the patient, it should alleviate one or more symptoms of the illness.

  • Physical rehabilitation has a positive effect on disability in multiple sclerosis patients

But medicines can also produce one or more negative effects, which are often referred to as
side effects

  • Statin side effects can be uncomfortable but are rarely dangerous.

Likewise, if we changed the OP's first example, we'd obtain the following

  • I noticed no effect (I was unaffected / the substance didn't produce the effect I was expecting)
  • I noticed an effect (I was affected / the substance produced an effect)

and in its plural form

  • I still felt no effects = I still didn't feel any effects.
  • I still felt some effects = the two or more effects of the substance continued.
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