Word Usage – Small Size or Small Sized: Which is Correct?


We always refer to our clients' companies as small, medium or large. My question is which one of these is correct?

We provide web and mobile solutions to small size companies.

We provide web and mobile solutions to small sized companies.

Best Answer

I cannot speak to English elsewhere, but in the US there would be no need to use size at all—‘small business’ is the term.

If you are concerned that bare small suggests inferiority, quite the opposite is true. ‘Small businesses’ are generally recognized—or at least recognize themselves!—as the engine which drives the American economy, and there is a large Federal agency, the Small Business Administration, dedicated to their support. They have indeed something of a mystique: ‘small business owners’ regard themselves as a distinct class, superior in efficiency, energy and entrepreneurship to the bureaucratic managers of large corporations.

Of course the US notion of ‘small business’ may be substantially larger than that which obtains in your country. The SBA standard varies from industry to industry, but by and large it is less than 500 employees in manufacturing and less than $7M annual revenue in non-manufacturing industries.

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