Learn English – so an adjective/ adverb that


… the period was so far like the present period that some of…

She was so much beautiful that…

She was so beautiful that…

As far as I know the bold one is incorrect because we mustn't add another intensifier after so.

I am wondering the reason why, although there has been used another intensifier" far", the sentence is correct, isn't it?

Please feel free to ask any further question if my question in not vivd enough.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Best Answer

"So far" is an idiom meaning; 1. Up to the present moment: So far there's been no word from them. 2. To a limited extent: You can go only so far on five dollars.

In the first sentence you mentioned, the second meaning could have been intended; ... the period was to a limited extent like the present period that some of...

You are correct about using "so" as an adverb to modify adjectives, it should be just before the adjective; She was so happy that she cried. She was so beautiful that...

Hope this would help.

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