Learn English – “..so..that..” or “…too…that…”


I had an english exam (multiple choice) recently and there was a question which was something like this:

A. He was so tired that he couldn’t do the homework

B. He was too tired that he couldn’t do the homework



I had to choose the answer which is grammatically correct, the answer that my school marked was A, however I think both A and B sound natural.

Do you agree?

Best Answer

No, I don’t agree that both sound natural.

The natural pairings are:

  • so [adjective] that [independent clause]; and
  • too [adjective] to [verb phrase].


  • He was so tired that he fell asleep on the train.
  • She was too tired to care.

The quote in your question matches the so ...that pattern, not the too ... to pattern.