Learn English – Someone who always goes to extremes in everything


What do the native speakers usually call a person who does everything to excess and often goes to extremes in doing everything or is too excessive in anything?

Let's make some examples:

Imagine a guy who establishes many celebrations every week (I'm not talking about big spender) or wants to be perfect every time, and buys the best clothes (I'm not looking for the word perfectionist). Or when they fall in love with someone, they give their everything to their beloved; even when they buy a bouquet they buy many flowers, many more than they need to etc.

I have found two words:

  • Over-doer
  • Extremist —> I know that nowadays, native speakers tend to associate the word 'extremist' with the concept of 'terrorist' and usually it is used when we want to refer to political matters, but based on the definition linked, in my opinion, it can be used to describe this type of behaviour too.

I want you to let me know if my words work for all these cases. If not, please provide me with some other examples.

Best Answer

We might call such a person an "Overachiever" or an "Enthusiast". We might also call them a "Nutter", "Maniac", or "making us look bad".