Learn English – Someone who invites other people to another religion


I was wondering if you could let me know how shall I describe someone who tries to convert people to another religion. The only word I know is "missionary" who attempts to invite people to a specific religion. So I would say something like:

  • He / she is a Christianity / Islam / Judaism missionary

I need to know how natives would say such a thing?

Best Answer

These answers are all focusing on particular words without answering the OP's question about grammar. To address that, you could write

  • He is a Christian [missionary/evangelist/proselytizer].
  • He [evangelizes/proselytizes] for Christianity.


  • A missionary is someone who proselytizes professionally, and likely moved far from his own home specifically to do so.
  • Proselytizing can carry a negative connotation.
  • The term evangelist is often used in contemporary business; for instance, someone may have a job as a "Brand Evangelist," which would mean that they promote a company's product the same way that an evangelist promotes his religion.
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