Learn English – Sources to find similar spelling words


When I learn some new words, I think I have seen them before, and then realize that they are probably some close-spelling words, but I can't think of them now. Are there sources where I can look up for similar spelling words for a given word? For example, "grotesque".


Best Answer

More accurately (and I had to look this up) the OP is actually asking about "heterographs": words that sound alike but have different spellings and meanings. Homophones may be either heterographs or heteronyms (words that have the same spelling and different meanings, and may or may not have the same pronunciation, e. g. desert/desert). Examples that native speakers frequently get wrong are principle and principal, affect and effect, discrete and discreet, and even too and to and its and it's. For a long list of these, see http://www.spellingsociety.org/journals/j4/heterografs2.php . (Personally, I don't think that a dictionary will help much in identifying these; there are too many words that are not such to make the search easy.)

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