Learn English – Splash/Throw Drink At


Let's say the context is a guy and and girl at a restaurant. Then, they had an argument. Then, the girl picked up a glass of beverage (full) and then made one jerking movement of the glass at the guy, causing the content of the glass to leave the glass and hit the guy in the face. The glass itself never left the girl's hand. I came up with two possible sentences to describe the situation:

  1. She splashed the drink at him.
  2. She threw the drink at him.

I have a feeling that "throw" is not the correct verb to use, since there was no overhead movement of the arm. Am I wrong?

Best Answer

You could use throw, but it's more ambiguous. If someone "throws a drink" at me, it's not clear if it's merely the contents of the glass that are thrown, or if the glass is thrown, too. But surrounding context could clarify that:

We argued for some time, and then I called her a moron, and that really made her angry. She picked up her drink and threw it at me! My shirt got soaked, and the olive hit me right in the forehead. Then she slammed the glass back down on the table and stomped out of the restaurant. All eyes were on me, so I sheepishly said, "It's just like her to leave me with the check."

or, if the glass did leave her hand:

We argued for some time, and then I called her a moron, and that really made her angry. She picked up her drink and threw it at me! Luckily, I ducked. My shirt got a little wet, but the glass made it all the way to the wall – I was surprised it didn't break. Then she stomped out of the restaurant. All eyes were on me, so I picked up the glass and sheepishly said, "Good thing she throws like a girl."