Learn English – Student Names or Student’s Names or Student’s Name


I have a list of Students. What should I use for heading of Students.

Student Names or Student's Names or Student's Name

Best Answer

For a list, use "Student Names" or "Students' Names". Remember that nouns can function as adjectives in English. If you want to show group possession, you put an apostrophe after the "s". The second way is considered a fancier way of writing it since most native English speakers rarely use the plural-possessive apostrophe even though it's well-accepted.

For a table-column heading, use "Student Name". Again, remember that nouns can function as adjectives in English. "Student's Name" is also correct, but it's more verbose and doesn't have any advantages over "Student Name".

"Student's Names" is wrong in general English. (Technically, this is also correct for a table and describing the names of a single student, but you will never see this in practice; instead, you will see things like "Student's Full Name" or "Student's First and Last Name".)