Learn English – Such as I, I am, Me, Myself


I, personally, always use "myself":

  • A person such as myself.

But are the other three correct and if they are then are they Br.E or Am.E?

  • A person such as I am.
  • A person such as I.
  • A person such as me.

With he, she, it, we, they, you is it all the same?

Best Answer

To be grammatically correct, "It could never happen to a person such as I." You have the correct test in the first of the three sentences: test it by adding the verb "am" at the end of the sentence. In conversation (and even in writing), you will often hear "me".

You could never say, "It could never happen to a person such as me am." "me" is an object pronoun ("Give the book to me."); "I" is a subject pronoun ("I want the book."). The same rule applies with the other subject pronouns you listed.