Learn English – ‘Suppress someone’s voices and opinions’ – Word Choices


Today, my mom and brother argued about an opinion regarding the cultural problem in our country. When I monitored the conversation, I saw my brother using aggressive voice, tones, and his own opinions rather than calmly stopped talking in order to hear what mom had to say from her perspectives and opinions.

-> I call his act in English 'to suppress someone's voice and opinions with his own opinions', or merely 'suppress someone's opinions with his own perspectives' in this context. For e.g.: 'my brother used aggressive voice and tones to suppress my mom's voice and opinions'.

Is that a correct way to put it in spoken English and in written English?

Thank you!​

Best Answer

It's not idiomatic and it's awfully long-winded. It would benefit from being shortened.

What you are saying is that your brother argued aggressively with your mother. To add voice and tones is unnecessary as these are taken for granted in any kind of heated discussion.

If you wished to be more specific, you could say that your brother argued aggressively with your mother, shouting her down.

Although we talk about suppressing people's voices or opinions, it's unusual within the context of a family discussion unless you are referring to an authoritarian figure who routinely acts in a despotic manner.


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