Learn English – Synonym of “classy” with a negative connotation


Depending on your point of view, we can take some charactristics as negative or positive e.g. determined -> stubborn, innocent -> naive.

My friends and I are looking for a disapproving word being used by people from low-class in society (probably a slang word) to describe a person who is classy.

For example, you go shopping with your friend and your friend suggests a design shirt and you say humorously,

I'm not (a) [classy] (person).

(Needless to say, classy is a positive word and I want a negative equivalent mostly used by people who lead a hard life)

Or someone asks a poor or a homeless guy if he uses dental floss. He answers,

We're not [classy].

In my native language we use a word which almost means "an obssessive princess" by which we mean you're rich and really careful about your clothes or unimportant things.

Is there any adjective, noun, or even a verb phrase to describe such a person?

(Informal/slang words are really appreciated since we use this word informally in our language.)

Best Answer

In the UK, posh is used primarily by working class people. It is used by aspirational ones in a positive way, "we got dressed up all posh, like", but it can also have a derogatory meaning. If you offered a napkin to a proud-to-be-working-class man, he might reply

Naa, I'm not posh, mate.

ladida is a mild expression of disapproval of somebody's affectations.

poncy is a working class way of saying "pretentious", and it's definitely derogatory. This might be used about the shirt:

You won't catch me wearing a poncy shirt like that!

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