Learn English – Take Broad/Wide View of


I have a question about the usage of the phrases "take a broad view of something" and "take a wide view of something". Should they be interpreted to mean:

A.–consider the general aspects, rather than specific aspects, of something

, or:

B.–include a great variety of things when considering something

Keeping in mind the interchangeability of "broad" and "wide".

Definition 3 for "broad" in this dictionary:

def 3: including a great variety of people or things

with this example usage:

She took a broad view of the duties of being a teacher.

, which favors interpretation B.

But definition 3 for "wide" in this dictionary:

def 3: concerning the basic aspects of something rather than the details

, with this example usage:

Senior managers are expected to take a wider view of problems.

which favors the interpretation A.

So, if I write:

He took a broad/wide view of the economy.

, does it mean he only looked at the general aspects of the economy, or that he included a lot of other stuff when thinking about the economy?

Best Answer

P.E.Dant is correct that "broad" and "wide" are so similar that in this case they are interchangeable. The key point in both sentences is to avoid putting limits on what you think about or do.

She took a broad view of the duties of being a teacher means she didn't limit herself to just lecturing and grading papers. She looked for other ways to serve. Perhaps she checked into the children's home lives to see if there is stability and nutrition. Perhaps she arranged extra-curricular activities or special events. Perhaps she lobbied for changes to the way the school is run.

Similarly when you say Senior managers are expected to take a wider view of problems the point is that they don't limit is thinking to simply solving the probem. The tire is flat? The junior engineer limits himself to fixing the problem—he patches it. The senior manager considers whether patching it is cost-effective given the age of the tire and the car. The senior manager considers whether buying a new tire instead of patching would create a better relationship with a supplier. The senior manager considers how it looks to have a vehicle representing their company driving around with an ugly patch.

Whether you use "broad" or "wide", the meaning is that you avoid limiting your thinking.