Learn English – Talking about the football


I want to say:

In this season, we can expect to see wonderful footballs from the team X. ( And I hope to see …)

I have wrote below sentences. (Here, football means soccer, suppose Manchester United)

  1. We can expect [ Adjective ? ] football plays from the X.

I assumed that "football play" is a acceptable compound name (I am not sure).

  1. we can expect them to play [adverb]

Q1 : If the sentences are fine, I want to know which adjective or adverb is preferable to put them in the sentences. I came across with:

Wonderful – fabulous – great – astonishing – fascinating
and corresponding adverbs of these adjectives.

Q2 : If all the sentences sound odd or awkward, I will be happy to see your suggestion.

For example: Consider a conversation between me and my friend:

"Did you see last night match against new-castle?"

"Yes, they present a fabulous football. I think we can expect them to play magnificently this season."

Best Answer

First off, I am not sure you need to use the word "football" in a sentence about expected performance of Manchester United (or other team) if the entire article is about football.

We can expect great football performance from Arsenal.

Second, since the meaning of all those adjectives you enumerated differs slightly, it falls on you to pick the right one to express the correct shade of the idea.

In addition to the ones you already found, here is a few more: masterful[ly], brilliant[ly], superb[ly], extraordinary[-rily]. Also check the synonyms for those to compile a fuller/more complete list.

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