Present Continuous vs Present Simple – Taste vs Tasting


As I know the verb "taste" isn't normally used in Present Continuous. But I have one example when it's used. Is it correct? Why? If I use the Present Simple here, is it not correct?

The reason I get fat is that I'm always tasting things while I’m cooking.

The reason I get fat is that I always taste things while I’m cooking.

Best Answer

"Taste" as a verb is used in two ways:

This milk tastes sour.

Here the subject is the food and "taste" is a linking verb. You don't use present continuous in this sense

I taste the milk before I drink it.

Here the subject is the person, and the object is the food. In this sense the present continuous is correct.

John is tasting the chicken, and he is smiling! It must be good.

In your situation, you are describing a "general fact" so you would normally use the simple present tense.

I always taste the food while I'm cooking.

The present continuous might be used for nuance or just to add variety and immediacy. It suggests, perhaps, repeated samples of the food.