Learn English – That’s what make/makes the beautiful ‪‎rainbow‬


That's what make/makes the beautiful ‪‎rainbow‬.

When we use "That's" which goes more appropriate with verb?
In this case, "That's" with "make" or "makes"?
And why?

Best Answer

That is a singular pronoun, so it requires a singular verb—That is.

And since the pronoun what, which is the subject of MAKE, refers to that, it is also taken to be a singular entity, and therefore takes a singular verb—What makes.

Refraction of sunlight—that is what makes the beautiful rainbow.

If you are speaking of several things which make the beautiful rainbow, you must use a plural pronoun at the beginning of the sentence:

Sunlight and droplets of moisture in the air—those are what make the beautiful rainbow.