Learn English – The amount added to a student’s actual score on paper for no reason


I'm not sure if where you're from students beg for extra points after taking their tests. I see this very often around here right after the test where the teacher is collecting the papers and students keep asking her to add a couple of points to their final score. What do call these extra points and what is it that the teacher does if she complies with the request?

Here's the context,

Students: Please consider some [mercy points]!

Teacher: I see you didn't do well on the test. I will [grade your papers with mercy] to some extent. But I should say I'm a bit disappointed.

Best Answer

Well, those marks or points are given to students if they are failing the exam without them. For instance, if the passing marks are 35, and a student is getting 30, then 5 marks are added. They are, at least in India, known as...

grace marks

However, the scenario you mentioned does not describe such a situation. If the student is asking for some extra marks, what is the purpose? To pass the examination? If yes, he may ask the teacher for the grace marks. Since it's a kind of mercy, it's generally granted, and not given!

Students: Please grant us some grace marks!
Teacher: I see that you didn't do well in the test, I will grant some marks.. But I should say that I'm a bit disappointed.

If the intention is something else, you can still apply the same term. But, I'm not sure whether a student would ever ask for grace marks to score from 95 to 100! Such scholar students never demand!

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