Learn English – the antonym of “delegation”


Merriam-Webster defines delegation as "the act of empowering to act for another". In such a context, what is the antonym of delegation? Thesaurus.com suggests keeping, which seems a bit weak.

I can think of something like preservation, but it could be misinterpreted. Any suggestions?

I am a manager. Some tasks, I might want to delegate. Others, I might want not to. The former are instances of a delegation. What are the latter instances of?

Best Answer

If you do not delegate authority, you retain authority. The opposite of delegation in this sense is retention.

In the comments, someone points out that the opposite action from delegation, reversing delegation, is centralization.

Delegation originally referred to the sending of ambassadors; the reverse of that is recalling ambassadors, but I think if you said you were recalling authority, everyone would think you were just remembering it.

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