Learn English – The antonym of “diss”


I learn that 'diss' is a shortened version of "disrespect"
Urban Dictionary: diss

For example, try to diss me, man.

What's the opposite of it?
I searched 'spect' as shorthand for 'respect'.
Nevertheless, it does not feel as strong and smart as 'diss'

'Diss' is a extremely popular in China as cyberspeak for joking with each other.

Best Answer

My first thought was to give someone props:

  • give props to (one)
    To praise one and show them respect. Thank you, but I have to give props to Jeanne, who organized this entire event for us.
  • props
    noun, ( usually used with a singular verb) Slang.

    1. proper or due respect or recognition; credit:
      I give him props for putting up with annoying customers.


That's well-known here in the US. There's a relevant post on ELU: What's the etymology of “props”?

Notice that props itself is not used as a verb in this sense. We don't *prop or *props someone to mean that we praise them.