Learn English – the antonym of “short of”


We often use "short of" as in

We are short of cash

meaning we do not have enough cash. I wonder what is the antonym of "short of", which means "having too much of".

Actually, I expect it to have a similar structure like "* of"?

Since the antonym of "short" is "tall/long", can we say "tall of" or "long of"

Best Answer

We have a surplus of cash

Or you can say

We have surplus cash

It is a noun, and can also be used as an adjective, which means

something that remains above what is used or needed.

And it also means

an amount of assets in excess of what is requisite to meet liabilities.

That does fit the situation in this question. Someone might argue that surplus does not really mean abundance of as might be expected by the OP but there is a fine difference to note here in what OP has typed and the situation that OP has presented.

Short of does not mean having very little, it means closer to the target but a little less. Hence the antonym for that situation would be something that expresses the fact that it is a little more than what is needed, which surplus explains well. Abundance of or Plenty of change the expression.

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