Learn English – the best verb for “undertaking an IPO”


There are many verbs to use here that I thought of as follows:

A company

  • has an IPO
  • conducts an IPO
  • undertakes an IPO
  • offers an IPO (redundant?)
  • does an IPO
  • initiates an IPO (sounds like it might not carry through)
  • carries out an IPO


So far I thought that "undertakes an IPO" was best, but I am currently writing (translating) an article and it would be good to have more verbs for this than just "undertakes," and some of these verbs sound weird. Can anyone say what they think the best verb would be for this? Thanks.

Best Answer

My suggestion is:

  • A company submits an IPO.

The idea is that the company submits its offer to the consideration of any potential stockholders.

A google search shows around 18,300 hits for "submit an IPO".

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