Learn English – the comparative and superlative form of “super”


I need a little help about how to form comparative and superlative degree for the word "super". I found on a website as super is used for comparative and superlative degree as well. And I also learnt from some other source that an adjective with two or more syllables usually takes more and most for comparative and superlative.

Best Answer

The options would be "more super", "superer", "most super", and "superest".
Looking at Google ngram for historical uses of any of those, I don't find any valid uses.
Google Ngram super forms
There are some false hits for cases like "more super-important" and "more Super Bowl rings", and "superest" in Latin texts, a conjugated verb.

If I had to use such a form, I would use "more super" and "most super", but I would expect to sound strange.
The word "super" doesn't seem to have been used much in comparative or superlative form, maybe because it already has a superlative connotation.
"That is super!" is similar in meaning to "That is the best!", where "best" is already a superlative.