Learn English – The day before/ yesterday…were/had been — forming sentences, trying to convey things concerning the past and the past before past


We were all afraid thinking what might happen to us. What increased the fear was how it had been in the paper yesterday/the day before.. that the killer had killed all the people that were/had been there at the party.

In the first case, can I use the day before instead of yesterday ?
And in the second case, can I use had been instead of were? What difference does it make whether I use had been or were?

Best Answer

We were all afraid thinking what might happen to us.

since your sentence is placed in the past, it would be better to use

We were all afraid thinking what might have happened to us.

placing both your "fear" and the hypothetical consequences at the same time as the killing.

how it had been in the paper yesterday
how it had been in the paper the day before

are equivalent, however

the previous day

might be a clearer choice since "the day before" is usually part of a construction like
"the day before yesterday".

what it said in the paper yesterday

is more idiomatic.

people that were at the party
people that had been at the party

are equivalent and can be interchanged without loss of understanding in your example.

We were all afraid thinking what might have happened to us. What increased our fear was how it had been reported in the paper the day before... that the killer had killed all the people that were at the party.

is a correct sentence.

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