Learn English – The definition of the words “Word Up!” and “code word”


I like and liked this song for a long time since I heard when it was sung by Melanny B ( Spice girls ). However, I am afraid, what does the word "word up!" mean and its lyric says it's a "code word" and what on the earth does it mean ( I mean, in the context of the entire "meaning" of the song ). Let me thank you in advance.

Cameo's song with its lyric

  • I checked any dictionary and have surfed throught the net, but the result of the meaning of the word "word up!" is, "listen to me" or "it's cool! ( or nice )". Could anyone help me please.

Best Answer

"word up" is like saying "right on" or "that's right".

A "code word" is a shared secret word which signifies something else. A code word might be used to let people know that you're part of their social group.

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