Learn English – the difference between college and university


Some people use the term "college" instead of "university". Are they referring to a different type of university?

Best Answer

The difference between college and university is everything or nothing, depending on where you are in the world. There are a number of threads on the matter at EL&U, for example “In college” versus “at college” versus “at university”, “When I was in college…” Do you really mean college? Or university? and University vs college vs academy vs institute vs community college.

In different countries, they may refer to different types of institutions or different levels of education, or may be alternative names for the same type of institution or level of education.

University is reasonably universal in referring to a postsecondary institution which grants academic degrees in a diversity of subjects. College, on the other hand is considerably more diverse in its usage. In the U.S. alone, an institution called a college may be a secondary school, a two-year tertiary institution, a four-year undergraduate institution, a unit within a university (whether academic or physical/architectural), or a university itself— or, the common name for tertiary education in general, or a building or campus.

So, the answer truly depends entirely on context.

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