Learn English – the difference between “deploying” and “distribution”


For instance, in development environment, I would like to know that when should I say:

The app is ready for deploying.


The app is ready for distribution.

If they are the same from development viewpoint, what about the real life?

Best Answer

In software, if you distribute an application, you send it out to all the end users. Mobile and PC applications, that each user has to install individually, can be distributed.

Our app is in iTunes and approved for distribution.

If you deploy an application, you get it running on the device or server where the end users will access it. For example, web applications, that run from a centralized location and are remotely accessed, can be deployed.

We're ready to deploy the latest built to QA. Once it passes the tests, we can deploy to Prod.

Especially with mobile applications, many use deploy to indicate the application is both sent out to end users, and set up on their devices. This is probably why you are confused.

Distribution sends the app out to the users; deployment makes sure each has a running version.

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