Learn English – the difference between “disapprove” and “disapprove of”


Does adding "of" makes any difference in the sentences?

For example:

He disapproved of people marrying more than once.

Can't I write in following way?

He disapproved the people…

Another question related to this: Is there any difference between these two?

I beg you.

I beg of you.

Best Answer

When you disapprove of someone or something, you simply have a negative opinion of it:

My mother disapproves of the woman I am seeing.

When you disapprove something, you reject something, usually having the official power to do so:

The principal disapproved the students' request for less homework.

Based on this second definition, it is less likely that you would disapprove people, rather than things. But you might:

The mayor disapproved the new nominee for dogcatcher.

Conversely, if you added of, the mayor would just be offering a personal opinion, not officially rejecting the nominee:

The mayor disapproved of the new nominee for dogcatcher.

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