Learn English – the difference between “Does everybody…” and “Do everybody…”


Which one of these is correct?

  • Do everyone in the show speak Spanish?
  • Does everyone in the show speak Spanish?

And can someone explain when it is appropriate to use the words "do" and "does"?

Best Answer

Singular: use does.
Plural: use do.

Does that genius (singular) over there speak Spanish?

Do those geniuses (plural) over there speak Spanish?

However odd this may sound, everyone is singular. Thus:

Does everyone in the show speak Spanish?

It's the same as saying:

Does every single one (singular) of them in the show speak Spanish?

However (pay attention: this is crucial!), if you change it around a little bit (to plural), you'll have to use do:

Do all (plural) of those people in the show speak Spanish?