Learn English – the difference between “doesn’t”, “don’t” and “not to”


I'm a new English learner, I've found that while expressing negative ideas, sometimes "don't" and "doesn't" are used; but at other times "not to" is used. For example:

Your question doesn't specify exactly.

Can I use the following?

Your question not to specify exactly.

I wonder whenever we should use either of them?

Can somebody explain this grammar?

Best Answer

First, write the sentence in the positive, and see whether the verb that you want to negate is the main verb in the sentence. Consider talk in these three sentences:

he talks a lot - talk is main verb
he really likes to talk - talk is not the main verb
he likes talking - talk is not the main verb

Main verbs

If you want to negate the main verb and there is already an auxiliary verb (be, have, will, should could, must) in front of it, you insert not between the auxiliary and main verbs.

I am not going to the party
I have not seen him today
I will not have time tomorrow
You must not tell anybody about this

If the verb that you want to negate is be, just add not after it.

Dinner is ready
Dinner is not ready

The main verbs need and dare are special cases: in the positive, it is followed by to, and in the negative to is replaced by not.

You need to come
You need not come

For all other main verbs that don't have an auxiliary verb, you add the auxiliary verb do and then negate the auxiliary verb. The auxiliary verb has two cases: does for third person singular (he/she/it) and do for everything else. When negated, this can be written out in full do not, does not, or contracted don't, doesn't.

I want to go to the party
I don't want to go to the party

non-main verbs

If the verb that you want to negate is not the main verb and it's preceded by to, it's an infinitive: you negate it by putting not before the to

I told him to come
I told him not to come

Likewise, if the verb you want to negate is not the main verb and it's got an '-ing' ending, then you negate it by putting not before the verb.

thinking can get you into trouble
not thinking can get you into trouble

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