Learn English – the difference between “either of” and “either.. or”


Can someone please explain me the difference between "either of" and "either..or" What is the difference between "either of" and "either.. or" in the following context? Or do they have same meaning?

There are two light bulbs.

  1. A person can turn on either light bulb 1 or light bulb 2.
  2. A person can turn on either of the light bulbs.

Does the second statement mean that the person can turn on only ONE of the two light bulbs and not both?

Best Answer

"Either" is a determiner, pronoun, adverb or conjunction. In the examples along with 'of' it is a pronoun occurring prior to the noun(pronoun!) it replaces and keeps both the options open but does not allow the liberty to choose both at a time.

In sharp contrast to this, EITHER is an alternative coordinating conjunction proceeding a word or statement followed by the disjunctive OR to emphasize the possibility of choice.

  • Either come or write.

  • You may choose either of them (the options).

No, in none of your examples you're not allowed the privilege of lighting them both at a time. You are given a choice.

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