Learn English – the difference between “he was saying”, “he says” and “he said”


Are there any shades of meaning between the use of the past continuous, present simple and past simple in the following sentences?

He was saying that he is going to leave soon.

He says that he is going to leave soon.

He said that he is going to leave soon.

I know is that all three can refer to the present, but I cannot feel the difference. The first one sounds to me that what one was saying hasn't completed. It is only a guess, though.

Best Answer

He said is the simplest way of describing the words that someone spoke. This is the most common. The actual words spoken would be "I'm going to leave soon". You could use this to describe what someone said at any time, even after they have left.

He says is talking about what the person means, or the ideas that they have right now. It would be used to imply "If you were to ask him right now, this is what he would say". In practice, there are many situations in which both "He said" and He says" are both possible. But if the person has already left, then you couldn't use "He says".

He was saying adds the continuous sense to he said, it suggests that he spoke at length, and so "he is going to leave soon" is just a summary, not directly quoted speech.

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