Grammar – Difference Between ‘I am Not Agree’ and ‘I Do Not Agree’


What is the difference between "I am not agree" and "I do not agree"?

  1. Question: "I am not agree with your opinion."

    Explanation: The grammar is not okay because "agree" is a verb.

    We can use the adjective "agreed" to "I am not agreed with your opinion." (Correct or not? If not, why not?)

  2. Question: "I do not agree with your opinion."

    Explanation: We use "do" in question and negative sentences.

    So, the "negative" sentence needs to add "do". (Correct or not? If not, why not?)


Best Answer

As you say, I am not agree is ungrammatical, because am cannot be followed by a verb in the base (or infinitive form).

I am agreed is grammatical, but fails semantically.

Grammatically it could be the past participle of the verb agree, in which case I am agreed could be a passive: but people can't be the object of agreement, so it doesn't make sense. With a different subject, this is fine: for example, The sale is agreed.

Alternatively, agreed can be an adjective. But this is only used of a group where all the members are in agreement with each other about something: it is not normally used of an individual who is in agreement with somebody else. So we are agreed is fine, but I am agreed is odd.

As simple verbs, I agree and I do not agree_ are grammatical and normal. As you say, nearly all verbs require the helper do to form the negative.