Learn English – the difference between IMO and IMHO and IHOP


I was reading a public forum, and I saw the following abbreviations:

  • IMO
  • IMHO
  • IHOP

As far as I see, these are interchangeable somehow, but I don't understand the correct usage of them.
Just assuming the


Probably stands for "In my Opinion",

and the extra 'H' letter stands for the Honest (or other references says: Humble).

I don't understand with the extra "H" does it sarcastic or even rude to say?

For the last one, I have absolutely no clue. I've tried to google it, and I ended up with:
enter image description here

After all, I don't know how to use these abbreviations.
Plus, is it common in the spoken language as a slang?

Edited with an example of the last one

Person 1: Hey you wanna go out later tonight?

Person 2: IHOP

Person 1: Damn, maybe next time

I appreciate every answer!

Best Answer

  • IMO - in my opinion
  • IMHO - in my honest/humble opinion

Both of these are very well known internet acronyms, and have been used for many years.

Both expressions are more or less interchangeable, and in my humble opinion is not by itself sarcastic - it should be taken as being genuine sign of humility, unless something else in the sentence indicates otherwise. Its sincerity depends entirely on context. For example:

IMHO, I think that the MacBook pro is overpriced.

IMHO, you're an idiot.

...are worlds apart in their sincerity.

Based on the context of the conversation you provided, I am guessing that IHOP stands for I Have Other Plans, and is not a commonly used acronym from what I can see.

[edit] Apparently the Urban Dictionary agrees with the meaning of IHOP, and oddly, uses the same example that the OP provided.