Learn English – the difference between “normal” and “regular”


We were required to wear uniform on ____ school days.

A. normal
B. regular
C. common
D. ordinary

I think in a way the four options all work.
But the answer is regular.

Best Answer

Your sentence should read, as Peter points out:

We were required to wear uniforms on ____ school days.

Having gone to a school where uniforms were mandatory, I believe the word you are seeking is normal. This is the word we employed at school.

The word normal in most cases can be used in place of the remaining three words: regular, common, and ordinary.

I would say that regular is not a good fix, especially if the school lodges students, since weekends are also considered "school days" at some schools, even if one does not attend classes.

Normal school days where days in which classes were held (Monday through Friday) and we made exception of days like Sports Day or Picnic Day. These sort of days were not normal days at our school and school attire was not enforced on students.

Regular school days to me gives to me a sense of time frame. Sports Day could still be a regular school day: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM. But it is not a normal school as classes are suspended for the day!

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