Learn English – The difference between “Older” and “Elder”


What is the difference between "Older" and "Elder" ?

And are they interchangeable ?

Best Answer

The use of elder is restricted to compare human beings, mostly in family relationships. The one who is elder is the one who was born first.

This is my elder sister Betty.

You cannot substitute elder for older at all times.

  • Elder can only be used for people, when used for things, it is meant as a special figure of speech involving personification, so to be used with extreme care.

  • You cannot use elder with "than" (even if it is implied, as in sentence b) ):

    a) This is my sister Betty, she's older than me. (and not elder)
    b) This is my sister Betty, she's older. (and not elder)


  • This is my sister Betty she's the elder of us two.

We do not use elder after get or grow:

  • You'll understand when you get/grow older.

The restrictions in the use of the superlative eldest are the same. It is not used for things.

  • The eldest/oldest of my six children has already left school.
  • My eldest/oldest son is in the fifth grade.


He's the oldest in the school.

Elder and eldest are considered formal and some people do not use them at all.